Monday 6 February 2012

Frugal February Day 5

Today was Dad's birthday! All the family came round for lunch - quiches, salad and lots of cake.

We gave him a Soda Stream, which he has wanted forever, but when he opened the box the actual machine was missing! I think it must have been the display model.

My Nana (hello if you're reading!*) brought over an album of old photos circa the 60s and 70s for me to look at. Everybody was seriously glamourous.

Later I went for a walk along the beach with Jimmy. Summer is great for doing things for free.

If you wondered what I was wearing while all this was going on, it was a Cooper St dress from Vincenzo's Boutique and my best brown Havaianas. I also had on some earrings from K-mart, cause I'm klassy like that. Total cost: $10 (Mum gave me the thongs one Christmas).

Spent today: $0
Spent this week: $12.50

Spent this month: $12.50

*This time I'm not joking, my Nana is really up on technology, she emails and texts and everything.

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