Jimmy came over today for a hair cut (top money-saving tip). He brought pies and milkshakes with him, and afterwards we finished watching Indiana Jones then went for a walk in the reserve.
By the way, did anyone realise Aqua's hit single Dr Jones was based on the Indiana Jones films? Or at least the film clip was. I guess it went over my head back in 1998.
For dinner I had my favourite chicken, pumpkin and pesto pasta. It doesn't look like much but my God it's tasty.
Now I'm at my next-door-neighbours' house minding their super cute kids. We played guns (I'm an irresponsible baby sitter, whatever) and read fairy tales and when they fell asleep I ate a piece of tiramisu cake. Now Miss Congeniality's on. This has to be the best possible way to make money.

Spent today: $0!
Spent this week: $101
Spent this month: $255.95
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