It's Valentine's Day! Jim was stuck at home with no car so I took over some sushi and Coke Zero for lunch. I also took some pyjama pants - what a romantic gift. He has refused to buy some for four years but now he will have to wear them, haha.
I was wearing a red cardigan and heart-shaped studs because sometimes I like to pretend I'm the Magic School Bus teacher and dress according to the theme of the day.

After lunch I went to tutoring again, but when I came home I was only just in time for the train and didn't buy a ticket. Thrift: 2. NSW Government: 0. Still. Up your game, guys! Maybe I should stop admitting to breaking the law on here...
Anyhoo, I made it home without being arrested and changed into a black dress I bought in early 2006, when I was only 16! Time flies.
Tonight James took me out on a lovely date to Murraya. The restaurant was tizzied up a treat and the food was outstanding.
We ate a mixed vegetarian entree, butter chicken (I know it's daggy but it tastes so good!) and this awesome pancake thing which I think is called dosai.

We drank this wine that James gave me as an extra gift. It's from 2007, because that's the year we started going out. Aww.
Thanks Jimmy for spoiling me so! I will be your Valentine every year if you keep this up.
Spent today: $17 (lunch and bus fares)
Spent this week: $106.45
Spent this month: $154.95
This marks the end of week 2 of Frugal Feb - I'm half way there. I have been sticking to my budget but I don't feel like I've been trying that hard. I might set a stricter budget for the rest of the month.
Woah you're halfway there. Woa-oh living on a prayer.
A better title for this post