I enjoyed some awesome factory canteen meals.

I went with my housemate Blake to Rockpool Bar & Grill for the best steak of my life. One million out of ten, would eat again at every meal.
The restaurant was super ambient i.e. dark so I didn't get any decent snaps, but here are the drinks we had afterwards at one of the many many bars at the casino.

She and I shared this cheese and potato pancake, with optional mushroom sauce and bacon. It was exactly how I wanted it to be, all cheesy and salty and delicious.

On our last night we went out to dinner at Red Spice Road.
There were cocktails galore.

This was a soft shell crab dish that tasted better than it looked, though a little aniseedy for me. The thing behind it is some kind of salad with salmon or trout in it, I don't really remember but I do remember that it was incredibly tasty. I would definitely have it again.

Afterwards we went dancing at Spice Market, which was super fun except that it closed pretty early, and then we went to a much less nice place for the rest of the night.
But it was heaps of fun! I had such a nice time partying with all my Melbourne buddies, I am gonna miss them all heaps.
Then I came home, packed a bit, slept for two hours, woke up, packed some more and rushed off to the airport, where I had one last crack at the food allowance:

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