Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Melbourne Meals

On my first weekend here my parents came down for a visit and we caught up with our friend Malena and her adorable little boy (hello if you are reading!).

We went to this Italian restaurant which I forgot the name of.  I will need to update all the posts at some point so these awesome places get the credit they deserve.  Anyway, it was great.

That ravioli was mine.  It had spinach, burnt butter sauce, sage, pinenuts - that is my second favourite kind of pasta (after a prawn/lemon/garlic/chilli/olive oil type thing) and I loved it.

The service rocked too.  The waitress was charming, and so sweet with little R.  I really hope I get a chance to go back.

I love beverages as much as I love food.  Oprah says your house should rise up to meet you when you come home at the end of the day (thanks FF for that one) but I feel like all it requires to do that is a bit of this:

Now here are some pics of a Greek banquet:


All of this food was super.

This was the dessert:

The round things were loukoumades.
You mean they do loukoumades?
Yes, they do loukoumades!!
(Hello Bay Vista if you're reading.)

Afterwards we went for a stroll to walk off some of our eight billion kilojoules.  It was freezing by then but I was nice and toasty in this jacket I nicked from Blake.

Sexy, right? It's Barbour, favoured also by Kate The Duchess Middleton.  Is there anything we don't have in common? (Hello billionaire parents and royal husband if you're reading! My wardrobe of tiaras and custom made Alexander McQueen says hi!)

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