Wednesday, 11 April 2012

World's Largest Roundabout

Hello from The Nation's Capital! I'm here for Easters 2012, an intervarsity debating competition, and so far it's rad.

I'm here with James and nine other people from uni, including Ryan (hello if you're reading!).

The university has put us all up at the Clifton Suites.

James and I are sharing an apartment with some nice people from Bond.

We have a double room with an ensuite, which is pretty snazzy.

It was super freezing yesterday so I wore jeans, merino jumper, boots and a coat, plus obviously some layers underneath. I was still pretty cold.

Last night there was a social event organised at The Hellenic Club. When we got there all the tables were full, but the line of students was huge and there was a 90 minute wait for food.

So the UOW contingent jumped ship and went to some place called London. Guys, it was awesome! And thrifty! Their menu is basically fifty burgers and beer.

I had a Beef Swiss burger - $13 - and it was SO GOOD. At first they lost my order so they gave me a FREE cider, but I only waited a few more minutes for the food anyway. Winning! If you're ever in Canberra you should go there.

Today I'm at ANU adjudicating some debates, pretty exciting. Tonight there is a roof top party feat. punch, can't wait!


  1. loving the outfit ! Hope you guys are having a blast xx

    1. Thanks Jess! That is a lovely compliment coming from such a stylish girl.
