Monday, 12 March 2012

Minimalist March Day 10 and 11

I didn't do anything exciting this weekend.

I watched The Lion King on telly (brill as always) and the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie too (ok but why does Alice have to look so unwell?). I blogged about Kony (please share your thoughts on this!). I read the latest instalments of my Shop Til You Drop subscription - more on that another time.

I did this week's reading etc for uni and ate a lovely corned beef pie made by my very own Nana (hello Nana if you are reading). Some people think corned beef is too salty, but I love salty foods so I thought it was delish.

I helped my sister (hello if you have figured out how to read my blog!) with some homework a bit. I baked a cake (recipe later). Mum makes it often and I love it; I hope mine turns out the same.

I saw Adele on telly and read through the archives of Faux Fuchsia, my favourite blog.

Inspired by FF, and the new Sally Hansen Gem Crush nail polishes, I painted my nails in this glittery pink polish I bought at Vinnies for $1.50 in 2010.

Naturally my toes match. Apparently this is daggy but I have always done it so whatever, Trevor! I love matching. You might have noticed that my Friday night dress circa 2007 showed my bra under the arms and at the back, and that said bra had the same silver piping as the dress.

Mum got me some very cute cupcake cases and decorations from ALDI, one of my favourite shops. If you can't see, there are GIRAFFES!

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

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