Yesterday after work I went to the library! Gosh I love going to the library.

Some people are dismissive of popular fiction, but not I. To decide that something is beneath you just because it's popular with everyone else seems, well, kind of stuck up to me, and not impressive or intellectual at all. The good thing about people like that though is that they leave all these lovely books free for people like myself. Thanks, pompous gits!
I also popped by Kmart to buy a Max Factor foundation; they are repackaging so all the old stock is half price. Love it!
For dinner I had a yummy tuna pasta bake made by Mum. There's no recipe but it's basically cooked pasta, frozen peas, tinned tuna, tinned corn and a white sauce. Homemade is best but if you are in a hurry or have possibly accidentally burnt your first attempt, Leggo's will do.
Afterwards I applied for Youth Allowance. If you're 22 and a full time student, you can do this too. They will give you money for free!
Thank you Emma for alerting me to this, Meg for helping me with my application and the taxpayers of Australia for providing the $. I'm not actually needy in any way and I think it's kind of ridiculous that someone like me is entitled to welfare payments, but I don't make the rules.
Today at work I filed for 4.5 hours. I took a break from it to sort out the magazines. One of the finance mags we subscribed to had these fab shoes on the cover:
Alas, the story wasn't about platforms of the high-heeled variety. But one of our subscriptions had this feature on packing for a conference:

Handy for me, I'm going to a uni conference thing in Canberra soon for a free holiday, I mean, to adjudicate some debates. I might wear Kmart flats instead of Ferragamo though.
We had a bunch of promotional material for a Grace Kelly exhibition going on in Bendigo. Here are some lovely pictures.
We subscribe to a gossip mag too - it seems to be the only thing in the office that anyone actually reads. I don't much care for celebrity "news", but I'm always excited when I see Kate in there!

And isn't the Queen sensational?
Did you know that she uses a butcher's hook to hand her bag from the edge of the table instead of leaving it on the floor? I read that years ago, before those handbag hanger things were invented, so perhaps by now she has upgraded to one of them. If not, I know what to get her should we ever meet.
My Dad and I collaborated on a BBQ for dinner tonight. I didn't take a photo, but I expect you've seen a steak before anyway. I do have a photo of this dessert I threw together in a fit of sugar cravings: