All my blogging life (1 year), I have wished that I had loads of blog friends like all the other bloggers do, so I could participate in all the fun chain thingies.
Today my wish came true! My very lovely and talented friend Jessica from the blog of the same name nominated me for The Leibster Award. Thank you Jess! This award is for bloggers with under 200 followers, to promote up and coming blogs and the rules are as follows:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs!
So, first things first.
1. I am scared of needles, dogs and the water (I don't even put my face under the shower).
2. I was on my Ls for about six years.
3. I just recently accepted an exciting job offer for next year!
4. I used to have a weird OCD thing where any word I thought of, I would imagine typing it in a text message. I would do this literally ALL DAY. I don't know how I stopped it, but I don't do it any more, thank god.
5. I am going to be finished uni forever in TEN SLEEPS.
6. I have a really good memory and remember basically my whole life from the day I was born.
7. I am prone to hyperbole.
8. When I was little my best friend was half Italian, and in the holidays we used to go to her Nonna's house and eat so much amazing food. I think that is how I got so greedy.
9. I love The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have been twice to screenings at George St cinema.
10. I am really not okay with chipped nail polish. Especially not on toes. Fix your polish up!
11. I have never travelled to another country. I don't even have a passport!
Jess asked me:
1. What did you want to be when you were little?
A nurse, ballerina or makeup lady, like at the beauty counter.
2. If you could own any animal what would it be?
An owl that was trained to carry letters. I know Harry Potter isn't real, but the birds in the movies were. It's possible.
3. What is your favourite TV show at the moment?
I still love Grey's Anatomy so much. Call The Midwife on ABC is prett good too though.
4. What 4 words would you use to describe yourself?
Talkative, greedy, thrifty, excited.
5. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Probably Kate Middleton, because it would be just like being myself except a princess with better hair and a fancy hat. I would say Meg, but I did that already.
6.What is the best and worst about blogging?
The best is that by blogging about all the best and most interesting parts of my life, I've had to pay more attention to them. I never knew my life was so fab!
The worst... I don't know, I guess it's kind of a downer when nobody comments? There's nothing I really dislike about blogging, but perhaps if I were popular enough to attract haters I'd feel differently.
7. Finish this sentence, 'if you want to spoil me rotten, buy me...?
Presents! I love to get presents of any kind, I don't care! Any time someone gives me anything I feel so lucky and spoilt, not only get lovely new stuff but also to have a thoughtful and generous person in my life.
8. What is at the top of your bucket list?
To go to another country? Other than that I am really already living my life the way I want to.
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Cairns. So warm!
10. What food can you not resist?
Ahahahaha, have you read this blog? It would be easier to list the foods I can resist (celery, stone fruits, minced meat). But pasta and fresh baked cookies are probably the hardest for me.
11. What is your favourite time of the year and why?
I guess I'm five years old, because I love Christmas. I love buying presents and wrapping them up and giving them to the people I love. I love reading Christmas-themed cookbooks and watching cooking specials on telly and baking shortbread. I love spending time with my family on Christmas Day and eating way too much food. I love the hot weather and the time off work and going away with my family for a holiday. I love Christmas lights and crowded shopping centres and annoying seasonal pop songs like Last Christmas and that Mariah Carey one. I love everything about it.
My Questions
1. What was the last text message you sent?
2. What is the best meal you have ever eaten in your life? (Pics plz!)
3. What was your thriftiest purchase ever?
4. What is your favourite blog with over 200 readers?
5. Where can I get some super delicious food for really cheap?
6. What was one of your early screen names on MSN Messenger?
7. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
8. Tell me a delicious recipe that you can make in under 10 minutes.
9. What is the state motto of Kansas?
10. Are you a morning person or a night person?
11. What would be your dream job, assuming you would magically be able to do it well and make enough money?
The Nominees
1. He doesn't have a blog any more, but I nominate James from Hypotheticools to do it as a guest post.
2. Jharna from Baking Myself Happy, a very sweet blog about my favourite things: baking and being happy.
3. Mel from Kitfox & Co, an aspiring journalist who is every bit as glamourous and hilarious as her blog would lead you to believe.
4. My gorgeous friend Glemorous Bicky (she's from New Zealand, and I have an annoying sense of humour) from Beck Babbles.
5. Cabaret from Cabaret's Ramblings, who is only my age but has a lifetime's worth of crazy stories.
6. Indi C, a classy Melbourne girl with excellent taste in all things.
7. My Mum, who has a blog on the Jamie Oliver website! Mum this means you have to start blogging again.
8. My delightfully sarcastic high school friend and protege (not really) Adela from Never Separate A Simple Man From His Cheese.
Unfortunately all the other blogs I read are too popular for this award, so for the remaining three I will extend an open invitation to my readers to do this if they want to, I think all of you are brilliant! If you want to do it just link to it in the comments, or email it to and I'll post it for you.
Thank you again Jess for passing this award on to me xx
11. I have never travelled to another country. I don't even have a passport!
Jess asked me:
1. What did you want to be when you were little?
A nurse, ballerina or makeup lady, like at the beauty counter.
2. If you could own any animal what would it be?
An owl that was trained to carry letters. I know Harry Potter isn't real, but the birds in the movies were. It's possible.
3. What is your favourite TV show at the moment?
I still love Grey's Anatomy so much. Call The Midwife on ABC is prett good too though.
4. What 4 words would you use to describe yourself?
Talkative, greedy, thrifty, excited.
5. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Probably Kate Middleton, because it would be just like being myself except a princess with better hair and a fancy hat. I would say Meg, but I did that already.
The best is that by blogging about all the best and most interesting parts of my life, I've had to pay more attention to them. I never knew my life was so fab!
The worst... I don't know, I guess it's kind of a downer when nobody comments? There's nothing I really dislike about blogging, but perhaps if I were popular enough to attract haters I'd feel differently.
7. Finish this sentence, 'if you want to spoil me rotten, buy me...?
Presents! I love to get presents of any kind, I don't care! Any time someone gives me anything I feel so lucky and spoilt, not only get lovely new stuff but also to have a thoughtful and generous person in my life.
8. What is at the top of your bucket list?
To go to another country? Other than that I am really already living my life the way I want to.
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Cairns. So warm!
Ahahahaha, have you read this blog? It would be easier to list the foods I can resist (celery, stone fruits, minced meat). But pasta and fresh baked cookies are probably the hardest for me.
11. What is your favourite time of the year and why?
I guess I'm five years old, because I love Christmas. I love buying presents and wrapping them up and giving them to the people I love. I love reading Christmas-themed cookbooks and watching cooking specials on telly and baking shortbread. I love spending time with my family on Christmas Day and eating way too much food. I love the hot weather and the time off work and going away with my family for a holiday. I love Christmas lights and crowded shopping centres and annoying seasonal pop songs like Last Christmas and that Mariah Carey one. I love everything about it.
My Questions
1. What was the last text message you sent?
2. What is the best meal you have ever eaten in your life? (Pics plz!)
3. What was your thriftiest purchase ever?
4. What is your favourite blog with over 200 readers?
5. Where can I get some super delicious food for really cheap?
6. What was one of your early screen names on MSN Messenger?
7. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
8. Tell me a delicious recipe that you can make in under 10 minutes.
9. What is the state motto of Kansas?
10. Are you a morning person or a night person?
11. What would be your dream job, assuming you would magically be able to do it well and make enough money?
The Nominees
1. He doesn't have a blog any more, but I nominate James from Hypotheticools to do it as a guest post.
2. Jharna from Baking Myself Happy, a very sweet blog about my favourite things: baking and being happy.
3. Mel from Kitfox & Co, an aspiring journalist who is every bit as glamourous and hilarious as her blog would lead you to believe.
4. My gorgeous friend Glemorous Bicky (she's from New Zealand, and I have an annoying sense of humour) from Beck Babbles.
5. Cabaret from Cabaret's Ramblings, who is only my age but has a lifetime's worth of crazy stories.
6. Indi C, a classy Melbourne girl with excellent taste in all things.
7. My Mum, who has a blog on the Jamie Oliver website! Mum this means you have to start blogging again.
8. My delightfully sarcastic high school friend and protege (not really) Adela from Never Separate A Simple Man From His Cheese.
Unfortunately all the other blogs I read are too popular for this award, so for the remaining three I will extend an open invitation to my readers to do this if they want to, I think all of you are brilliant! If you want to do it just link to it in the comments, or email it to and I'll post it for you.
Thank you again Jess for passing this award on to me xx